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Burns Night 2021 2021彭斯之夜

2021年01月22日 15:52

Ahead of the Chinese New Year festivities, VistScotland invites you to joinScots all over the world in raising a dram of whisky to Scotlands nationalpoet, Robert Burns, on his birthday, 25 January (also known as Burns Night)!在新春來臨之際,蘇格蘭旅游局邀您與全球蘇格蘭人在1月25日舉

Ahead of the Chinese New Year festivities, VistScotland invites you to join Scots all over the world in raising a dram of whisky to Scotland’s national poet, Robert Burns, on his birthday, 25 January (also known as Burns Night)!

在新春來臨之際,蘇格蘭旅游局邀您與全球蘇格蘭人在1月25日舉杯共慶蘇格蘭民族詩人羅伯特?彭斯的生辰,這一活動也被稱為“彭斯之夜”(Burns Night)!

Who is Robert Burns?


Robert Burns was born on 25 January 1759 the village of Alloway in Ayrshire in Scotland. He died just 37 years later, at his home in Dumfries. Despite his short life, Burns left a huge catalogue of poetry and songs that have been enjoyed and spoken aloud for over 200 years. Burns is known as Scotland’s national bard or poet!


What is Burns Night?


Burns Night marks the anniversary of Robert Burns’ birth on 25 January each year. It’s a very Scottish celebration of his work through an evening of haggis, whisky and poetry.


What does a Burns Supper involve?


Everyone enjoys a hearty feast on Burns Night which includes haggis, neeps (turnips) and tatties (potatoes), rounded off with drams of whisky and lots of Burns’ poetry!


Each Burns supper is individual, but the running order normally goes something like this:


1) To start – everyone gathers, the host says a few words, everyone sits and the Selkirk Grace is said.

開場——賓客到場,主人致歡迎辭,賓客入座,頌《Selkirk Grace》。

2) The meal –the haggis is bagpiped in, the host performs the Address to a Haggis, everyone toasts the haggis and the main meal is served.

主餐——伴著風笛聲,哈吉斯被端上餐桌,主人朗誦《致哈吉斯》(Address to a Haggis),賓客為哈吉斯舉杯后,開始享用主餐。

3) After the meal – the first Burns recital is performed, the Immortal Memory (the main tribute speech to Burns) is given, the second Burns recital is performed, then there’s a Toast to the Lassies (ladies!), followed by a Reply to the Toast to the Lassies, before the final Burns recital is performed.

主餐之后——表演第一首彭斯詩歌,發表向彭斯致敬的演講《不朽的記憶》(Immortal Memory),表演第二首彭斯詩歌,然后向女士們敬酒(Toast to the Lassies),其后由女士回敬,最后,表演第三首(也是最后一首)詩歌。

4) To end the night – the host gives a vote of thanks, everyone stands and sings Auld Lang Syne, crossing their arms and joining hands at the line ‘And there's a hand, my trusty fere!’.

彭斯之夜尾聲——主人致感謝辭,賓客起立合唱《友誼地久天長》,并在合唱至“And there’s a hand, my trusty fere!”處,牽手高唱,將彭斯之夜推向尾聲。

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